3 months!

it's only fitting that i post alivia's 3 month progress photos today, as yesterday i took her 4 month pictures.  so i'm right on schedule!  not only is it amazing to watch her grow before our eyes, but watching caden mature before us is equally awesome. he loves his sweet "alibdia" dearly and although he'll give her too tight of a *squeeze* every so often and make her cry - the love hugs and genuine interest in her well being is simply remarkable.  i'm not gonna lie, the first couple of months being a mom of 2 TERRIFIED me. i felt like i was sinking in a deep hole and was overwhelmed by the day to day.  but at the end of the evening after these two are in bed sleeping sound and i scan the room (toys, laundry, dogs everywhere, me COVERED in spit up) i wouldn't want it any other way.  i LOVE having my two little beans.


after i took a few shots of her and the two of them, caden invited liv to climb in mom and dad's bed so he could

show her his car magazine.  they snuggled, and she listened while he showed her the cars he has and those on his wish list.

it makes my heart melt looking through these images again!