52 – week 12 – playful

This week's project 52 theme - playful - was a suppppper easy one for me :)  I have the sweetest little 14 month old who's obsessed with playing with CARS.  All cars all the time.  Any shape, color, size or type, as long as it has wheels the little man is on board.  You can give him a set of cars and a spot on the floor and he's entertained for a looooonnggg time.  It is one of the sweetest things to witness, watching him ly on his side, squinting at the little wheels studying their every movements.  Swoon. <3


Make sure you take a trip around the blog circle this week.  Next in line is Karen Leslie Photography - Orlando Family Photographer.  Due to international time zones, the circle might not be fully complete until the morning.  Enjoy!